Your search
Alexandria search portal
The majority of the Library Am Guisanplatz’s BiG holdings can be found using the Alexandria search portal. In addition to an extensive stock of physical media, you will find a wide range of digitised items. There are numerous search and filter options you can use.
Search tips
The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG has compiled some tips to help you find what you are looking for.
Further links
The Library am Guisanplatz BiG has compiled a list of useful links to finding aids and databases to help you with your research.
Alexandria search portal
The majority of the Library Am Guisanplatz’s BiG holdings can be found using the Alexandria search portal. In addition to an extensive stock of physical media, you will find a wide range of digitised items. There are numerous search and filter options you can use.
Search tips
The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG has compiled some tips to help you find what you are looking for.
Further links
The Library am Guisanplatz BiG has compiled a list of useful links to finding aids and databases to help you with your research.