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Published on 26 October 2023

Training at the BiG

The BiG is engaged in training in the field of «information und documentation», which addresses the past, the present and the future, and offers a variety of training options.

Information and documentation specialist, federal VET diploma –vocational education and training

Each year the Library Am Guisanplatz BiG trains an apprentice in information and documentation management (Federal VET Diploma). The apprenticeship lasts three years.

Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Library and Information Science

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Zurich runs the part-time degree programme in Library and Information Science in cooperation with Zurich Central Library. The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG offers a two-year internship for this degree programme.

Taster days at the Library Am Guisanplatz

The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG holds taster days on which schoolchildren can take an exciting and varied look at the activities at the library and get an idea of what being an information and documentation specialist involves.

Internships for non-BiG apprentices

Information and documentation specialist apprentices from other institutions may do an internship at the BiG to expand or consolidate their vocational expertise.

Training BiG

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CH - 3003 Bern